Thursday, August 04, 2005


We’ve now entered the wonderful world of teething.
On one hand, it is so exciting. He is growing everyday and this is just one more manifestation of it…
Another perk is the faster he gets those chompers, the faster he will be heading on into the new and wonderful realm of “normal” food. Yipee! I am so done with those not so lovely little jars of pureed goo and formula which we have nicknamed “Liquid Gold” due to its exorbitant cost. But this exciting new foray into the next stage has its drawbacks. Mainly the fact that Alec has been one cantankerous little dude!Mind you, we really can’t complain since he is such a mellow and happy baby…He rarely cries and he sleeps through the night easily. So, this has been a bit of an adjustment for us. The first night he was up every 2 hours, and nothing much would console him…things are getting better and now he is only up every time the Baby Tylenol wears off. Needless to say…the household has been topsy turvey for days and we’re all exhausted.
I am amazed how those cute little pearls under his gums slowly and obviously painfully work their way to the surface and then one day cut through those poor little gums. I feel so bad for the little guy…
But from what I hear, after the first couple…it gets much easier. The little ones tend to get used to the discomfort and pain and the rest slide in painlessly…(until the molars.) I can’t imagine what it feels like and I’m amazed we all go through this.


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